Monday, 16 November 2015

Who’s Winning the Presidential Campaign?

Who’s Winning the Presidential Campaign?


Candidate rank
1 3

Money Raised


Candidate rank
1 15

Money Raised
+ Show more candidates
What’s NewPrediction markets now put Ted Cruz ahead of Jeb Bush. In recent Iowa polls, Ben Carson is still at the top, but slips as Donald Trump rises. Mr. Cruz and Marco Rubio are neck and neck there.
The polls get most of the attention, but they’re not the most important part of the early stages of a presidential campaign. The better guide to who’s really winning is known as the “invisible primary,” in which candidates compete for support from their fellow politicians, from party leaders and from donors.
A candidate who wins the invisible primary usually wins the party nomination. At the least, the eventual nominee tends to be a candidate who was a close runner-up. Why? The support of party leaders is both a sign of a candidate’s long-term strength and a source of future strength.
As for the polls, they’re not irrelevant, even at this early stage. But the national polls matter less than the polls in Iowa and New Hampshire, the first two states to vote and the states where voters are paying more attention to the candidates.
Here, we offer a scoreboard that totes up the factors that matter most, and we’ll update it every day for the remainder of the year. For all the imperfections in his campaign so far, Jeb Bush still leads the Republican field, albeit by a much smaller margin than Hillary Clinton leads the Democratic field.

Prediction Markets

When a campaign still has months remaining, prediction markets — in which traders bet on event outcomes — have a substantially better record than polls at pointing to the eventual nominee. But the markets do have at least one weakness: They sometimes exaggerate the chances of unusual or long-shot candidates, like Donald Trump, perhaps because a few passionate traders can affect prices.

PredictWise Chance of Winning Democratic Nomination

1Hillary Clinton91.0%
2Bernie Sanders8.0
3Martin O’Malley1.0

PredictWise Chance of Winning Republican Nomination

1Marco Rubio48.0%
2Donald Trump19.0
3Ted Cruz13.0
4Jeb Bush10.0
5Ben Carson6.0
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PredictWise prediction data are based on odds from the Betfair and PredictIt betting exchanges and markets, and aggregate polling data from HuffPost Pollster.

National Endorsements

“Since 1980, the single best predictor of a party’s nominee is the number of endorsements from party elites — elected officials and prominent past party leaders — in the months before primaries begin,” as the political scientist Lynn Vavreck put it. Why? Political elites have a better sense of which candidates can endure a long campaign, and they can influence voters and donors by praising or criticizing candidates. One distinguishing feature of the 2016 cycle is how few top Republicans have endorsed any candidate so far — Jeb Bush has received endorsements from less than 10 percent of Republican senators, representatives and governors, compared with Hillary Clinton’s 60 percent of Democratic officials.

Endorsements From National Democratic Officials

GovernorsMembers of CongressShare of All
1Hillary Clinton914260.2%
2Bernie Sanders020.8
3Martin O’Malley010.4

Endorsements From National Republican Officials

GovernorsMembers of CongressShare of All
1Jeb Bush0298.8%
2Rand Paul0113.3
3Ted Cruz082.4

Chris Christie262.4
5Marco Rubio072.1
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National Republican officials include 31 governors, 54 senators and 246 representatives. National Democratic officials include 19 governors, 44 senators and 188 representatives.
Sources: Democracy in Action; data gathered by John Sides, George Washington University, and Lynn Vavreck, U.C.L.A., with help from Luis Rishi Puno.

Iowa Polls

National polls are of dubious value at this stage, because most voters aren’t focusing on the race. But likely caucus goers in Iowa are paying more attention, as the candidates descend on their state. Of course, Iowa has voted for the eventual nominee in only two of the last six Republican nomination fights (George W. Bush in 2000 and Bob Dole in 1996) that did not involve an incumbent president. It has done better in Democratic races, choosing four of the past six nominees.

Democratic Support for Candidate in Iowa

1Hillary Clinton56.0%
2Bernie Sanders28.6
3Martin O’Malley4.6

Republican Support for Candidate in Iowa

1Ben Carson25.2%
2Donald Trump22.8
3Marco Rubio12.2
4Ted Cruz11.8
5Jeb Bush6.6
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Source: HuffPost Pollster, based on the average of the five most recent polls by unique pollsters.

New Hampshire Polls

New Hampshire’s Republicans are also starting to pay attention to the race, and they’re more moderate than Iowa’s. New Hampshire has a better recent record of picking the nominee, going four for six starting in 1980 for Republicans and three for six since 1984 for Democrats. Over that span, no candidate has won the nomination without winning at least some delegates in either New Hampshire or Iowa.

Democratic Support for Candidate in New Hampshire

1Hillary Clinton42.4%
2Bernie Sanders38.2
3Martin O’Malley2.8

Republican Support for Candidate in New Hampshire

1Donald Trump27.8%
2Ben Carson12.4
3Marco Rubio10.6
4John Kasich8.2
5Ted Cruz8.0
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Source: HuffPost Pollster, based on the average of the five most recent polls by unique pollsters.

Money Raised

As with endorsements, money matters for two reasons: It’s a sign of a candidate’s strength, and it then becomes a further source of strength. Jeb Bush leads the fund-raising competition by a large amount, but most of the money has gone to his super PAC, so he cannot use it for his staff or other campaign activities. The calculations here include both the money raised directly by a campaign and the money raised by the super PACs and other outside groups allied with the campaign.

Total Raised (in Millions)

CandidateOutside GroupsTotal Raised
1Hillary Clinton$77.5$20.3$97.7
2Bernie Sanders41.50.041.5
3Martin O’Malley3.30.33.6

Total Raised (in Millions)

CandidateOutside GroupsTotal Raised
1Jeb Bush$24.8$108.5$133.3
2Ted Cruz26.638.464.9
3Marco Rubio14.633.147.7
4Ben Carson31.40.231.6
5Chris Christie4.214.018.2

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